• Mario David - Favorite releases in 2023

    I am not usually so attentive to new releases unless they are something that for some reason catch my attention, even so I think that this 2023 I found releases that will stay with me for many years and I will remember them with affection.

    I start with Steven Wilson's "The Harmony Codex". I still like his mix of progressive rock and pop, even more than his last work. In this album I think Wilson finally found that balance he should have had in his previous releases. Highlights include "What's Life Brings" for its iconic sound, "Time Running Out" for its unique harmony, and "Starcase" as a perfect closer.

    Then, "Memento Mori" by Depeche Mode surprised me. Although I don't listen to them often, they are always one of those bands I keep track of for their sonic innovation and that David Grahan strikes me as one of the best Frontline still alive. "Wagging Tongue", "Ghost Again" and "Never Let Me Go" stayed with me, I admit I used the latter as an inspiration for my work on the LIO album.

    "Gorillaz" with "Cracker Island" was another high point, perhaps the poppiest album on this list but it really is a very good album. I especially enjoyed "Cracker Island", "Oil", and "Silent Running", which are tunes that still resonate in my head. I already did a review of this great album here at Oranshnote.com.

    Iggy Pop's "Every Loser" album, which I first heard on my birthday, was a revelation with its classic rock. "New Atlantis," "Modern Day Ripoff" and "Neo Punk" stood out, anticipating what I believe will be future trends.

    "Måneskin" and their album "Rush!" were a pleasant surprise. After their success at Eurovision, I kept track of them and I was not at all disappointed with their work on this album.

    "HEY!" by The Guapos was a musical treat. The super band formed by Leiva, Adanowsky, J de la Cueva and El David Aguilar, under the production of Adanowsky, created an unforgettable experience. "Soy un Guapo" and "Mis Amigos del Rock" are tracks that I really enjoyed. By the way I admit that Adanowsky is my favorite Latin music producer at the moment, his sound, his style, where he takes his work and his artists is pure magic.

    And speaking of magic..., "Souvenir" by LIO, a project I worked on as producer. I think this album reflects the evolution of a complex artist, and if the Guatemalan music scene would follow this line, we would have a much greater impact internationally. An accomplished sound, identifiable to the artist, deep and well achieved songs. It is one of those works that I will continue to be proud of for many years to come.

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    By: Mario David Rodriguez Medina

    Musician and sound engineer, general producer at Oranshnote