• Fabiola Rodas - Un viaje en espiral

    On May 26th, Guatemalan singer-songwriter Fabiola Roudha released her new album entitled un viaje en espiral. This article contains an introduction to the details of each song so you can appreciate them.  

    1. Talvéz debas perderme

    This song is a ballad full of feeling, which stands out thanks to Fabiola's interpretation. The song is a farewell that is made when you realize that your partner does not do you good, maybe you do not feel appreciated, and you have taken the decision to "close the door of your heart", turn around and leave. Has this happened to you?

    2. Aún en la distancia

    This song is a romantic R&B to dance in couple. The track starts off with some sweet synthesizers that along with Fabiola's trumpets and backing vocals adding to the mood. A great job of transition to give entry and exit to the rap performed by Sky Joe, always maintaining the romantic atmosphere. Do you dance?

    3. Siempre sale el sol

    This song starts with some seductive trumpets that open the way to the introduction of a rap base and the interpretation of Sky Joe, and then transitions to a softer base where Fabiola enters interpreting a R&B. It should be noted that the song changes genre as it progresses and the final part we must highlight the choirs and a guitar that makes a relaxed but deep solo, which invites you to appreciate it with a glass of wine. Are you up for it?

    4. Amores de noche

    This song has a touch of Soul, a fresh sound accompanied by trumpets that envelop us during the course. The song speaks of those loves that come out spontaneously that "flow like water" become a balm for the heart. It reminds you to someone ? Eh?

    5. Volví a mí

    Love story, breakup pain, coming back to self in healing and opening for a new story. A retro theme, calm, with a semi-sweet tone.

    6. Vuelve a su color

    This song is reminiscent of the retro era, as it starts with a slow Blues and halfway through the song it morphs into an 80's disco, back to its color.

    7. Que todo esté bien

    ¿Are we born with a próposito or the próposito we put ourselves? This is the question with which the song begins, being this an excerpt from the recording of a podcast in which different opinions can be heard while the base of the song is making its appearance. A Soul song in which the chorus and the voice game stand out and at times creates an atmosphere that feels funky style. The song in a way has a message of personal growth. Have you already identified your purpose?

    8. ...

    The last song of the album we can hear only Fabiola and her guitar in what seems to be an audio recording, so we can appreciate her voice and way of singing.

    In short an album loaded with feeling, a great interpretation, excellent arrangements and creativity in the transitions, an album that invites to be listened in couple.

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    By: Oranshnote

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